Terragrams Re-Launch

Terragrams is a podcast that disseminates discussions about landscapes and landscape design. From 2006 to 2009, Craig Verzone released 31 interviews with prominent practicioners, covering a broad variety of topics at a time when the discourses of landscape architecture and urban design were reshaping themselves to address new challenges.

As a result, Terragrams serves as a crucial source for understanding the emergence of many now-established ideas in landscape architecture. It also provides a valuable record of the early- or mid- career thinking of many key figures in academia and practice.

A screenshot of a website showing podcast episodes

I worked with Craig Verzone to re-launch the podcast after the feed and website had been offline for many years. While re-broadcasting the original dispatches, I edited each episode to include visual references that would appear on the new website and as chapter art in most podcast player clients.

A pair of screenshots of a website showing an audio player alongside illustrated chapters with links

You can listen to Terragrams online at terragrams.com or subscribe on Apple Podcasts or Google Podcasts podcasts or via its RSS feed.

A trio of images of a smartphone showing a podcast playing with visual chapters

The template for the Terragrams website is available on Github and uses the Zola static site engine with a custom data format to capture per-chaper images and links.

I build tools that help design and construct the urban landscape. More about me